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Selasa, 30 November 2010

Mau Curhat!!

dia tuh ya kayak ga peduliiiiiii banget ama gue!!!
kalo udah megang ps aja,hape dilupain.
kagak nyadar ape cewe-nye sensitipan!dikira gue ga khawatir ama die ape?
ya gue khawatir lah!
pengen nanya ke dia > lu..niat pacaran apa kagak?apa menurut lu pacaran cuma main-main?
Ya Tuhan!! Bantu masalahku ini agar dapat jalan keluarnya.........

Senin, 22 November 2010

Harry Potter Transformation

9 years ago, Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's stone show up
That's film is the beginning of Harry Potter Sequel
Do you remember what they look when they in Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone
look this :

They're so cute
Wanna see they in Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallow,look at this:

They already become a young-adult in this movie
Not see that "Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallow" yet??
Hurry Up! And i guarantee you will says this movie so cool.

Rabu, 10 November 2010

'Bout Tavi

Who's Tavi? Are she important for us ? just check it out and you will know


Tavi Gevinson is an American fashion blogger.[1] She began her blog, "Style Rookie" on March 31, 2008 at age 11.[2] Initially, her parents did not completely know what Tavi was doing until she asked for their permission to appear in an issue of New York Times magazine story.[3] Since then, she has had as many as 50,000 readers.[citation needed]

While Gevinson describes herself as a "tiny 13 year old dork that sits inside all day wearing awkward jackets and pretty hats",[2] many look to her for style inspiration.[4] In mid-2009, Gevinson partnered with the London-based Borders&Frontiers to design and sell her own t-shirt.[5]

In August 2009, she appeared on the cover of Pop Magazine, which feature photographs by Jamie Morgan and was designed by artist Damien Hirst.[6][7] Since then, Tavi has been featured in the View section of the December/January 2010 issue of Teen Vogue magazine and February 2010 issue of the French Vogue. Bloggers like Tavi have been referred to as the "frontline of fashion".[8][9] She has also become a regular guest at fashion shows and a muse for designers in Tokyo.[10][11][12] She is also partly inspiration for Rodarte's line at Target.[13]


all this picture is my fashion editorial.not a real editorial like in magazine,but i do it for exercise my fashion taste.

if you want it,just visit


Senin, 01 November 2010

Coco Chanel


Coco Chanel (lahir dengan nama Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel di Saumur, Perancis, 19 Agustus 1883 – meninggal di Paris, Perancis, 10 Januari 1971 pada umur 87 tahun)[1] adalah salah seorang perancang mode revolusioner dan pembuat parfum terkenal di dunia.[1] Salah satu inovasinya yang terkenal adalah parfum Chanel No. 5 yang diluncurkan pada tahun 1932.[1] Angka 5 merupakan angka kesukaan Coco Chanel dan semua koleksi produk terbarunya selalu diluncurkan pada hari kelima dari setiap bulan.[1] Pada tahun 1970, parfum Chanel No. 19 diluncurkan dan nama tersebut diambil dari tanggal kelahirannya.[1] Parfum tersebut adalah parfum pertama yang diberi merek dari nama seorang perancang busana dan mulai saat itu banyak perancang yang mengikuti langkahnya.[1] Pada 10 Januari 1971, Coco Chanel ditemukan meninggal di Hotel Ritz, Paris.[1


Awal popularitas Coco Chanel sebagai seorang perancang busana terjadi pada tahun 1910 ketika dia membuat topi trim kecil yang cocok dikenakan di ruangan terbuka.[2] Topi itu menjadi tren di dunia mode selama hampir setengah abad.[2] Butiknya di Deauville, Perancis menjual berbagai topi, jaket, dan blus "pelaut" yang cocok digunakan di luar ruangan.[2] Pada tahun 1929, hanya wanita kaya yang dapat mengenakan celana panjang.[2] Namun, Chanel merubah pandangan tentang cara berbusana wanita dan memperkenalkan wanita pada celana panjang dan pakaian olahraga untuk wanita lainnya.[2]

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Lets #Prayforindonesia

Gerakan "Pray For Indonesia"

Pray For Indonesia

Pray For Indonesia ramai di internet, khususnya di situs jejaring sosial twitter dan facebook. Pray For IndonesiaTsunami Mentawai dan meletusnya Gunung Merapi yang merupakan dua becana yang hampir secara bersamaan terjadi di Indonesia.

Sebenarnya tidak diketahui siapa sebenarnya yang pada awalnya mempelopori gerakan Pray For Indonesia. Namun aksi ini jelas terlihat dengan penampilan pita hitam dan lambang Burung Garuda sebagai simbolnya.

Kata Pray For Indonesia juga sempat menjadi trending topik di twitter dengan kata kunci #prayforindonesia. Bahkan beberapa artis dunia juga turut serta mengungkapkan rasa belasungkawa mereka dengan cara membuat tweet Pray For Indonesia.

Seperti Tom Cruise misalnya sempat membuat dua kali tweet dengan tema tentang bela sungkawa atas musibah bencana yang terjadi di Indonesia.

"Our hearts go out to the people of Merapi & Jakarta Indonesia," tulis Cruise dalam tweet pertamanya mengenai Indonesia, kemudian disusul dengan tweet yang lain dengan tulisan "Jika Anda tahu dari organisasi bantuan terbaik untuk membantu Indonesia terluka & pengungsi, beritahukan kami agar kami dapat lulus bersama", dimana tulisan ini sendiri mungkin hasil terjemahan melalui media translate.

Artis dunia lainnya yang juga turut mengungkapkan topik tentang Pray For Indonesia adalah Kim Kardashian, sosialita dan pebisnis cantik ini dalam Twitter-nya menuliskan, "My heart goes out to all those affected by the quake and the volcano eruption in Indonesia #lifeisprecious #prayforindonesia."

Justin Bieber juga tidak ketinggalan, melalui twitternya artis remaja yang populer di internet itu juga turut mengungkapkan simpatinya kepada Indonesia. "Just found out about the earthquake in Indonesia. everyone please pray for the people there. #prayforindonesia," tulis Bieber

Rasa simpati dan doa juga datang dari pasangan hidup Nicole Richie, Joel Madden. Ia berharap masyarakat Indonesia akan kuat menghadapi masalah ini. "Indonesia I love you be strong," begitulah bunyi dari tweet Joel Madden.

Selain itu, Joe Jonas, personel Jonas Brother, juga ambil bagian. Ia menulis, "#prayforindonesia so sad."

Dan, Prince Jackson, putra Michael Jackson, ikut menuliskan, "My heart broke for that notice! So just let's pray for our brothers They need our Help and Love and they Need of GOD! so #prayforindonesia."


Pray For Indonesia crowded on the internet, especially on social networking site, twitter and facebook. Pray For IndonesiaTsunami Mentawai and the eruption of Mount Merapi, which is a two becana that almost simultaneously occurred in Indonesia.

Actually is not known exactly who initially spearheaded the movement Pray For Indonesia. But the action is clearly visible with the appearance of a black ribbon and emblem Eagle as its symbol.

The word Pray For Indonesia also had to be trending topic on twitter with keywords # prayforindonesia. Even some artists of the world also participated expressed their condolences by making a tweet Pray For Indonesia.

Like Tom Cruise for example, could make twice the tweet with the theme of condolences on the disaster that occurred in Indonesia.

"Our hearts go out to the people of Merapi & Jakarta, Indonesia," writes Cruise in his first tweet about Indonesia, then followed with another tweet with "If you know of an organization best assistance to help Indonesia wounded and refugees, please let us know so we to pass along ", where the writing itself may translate the translation through the media.

Other world artists who also helped reveal the topic of Pray For Indonesia is Kim Kardashian, socialite and businessman this beautiful in his Twitter wrote, "My heart goes out to all those affected by the Quake and the volcano Eruption in Indonesia # lifeisprecious # prayforindonesia. "

Justin Bieber is also no lag, via Twitter artist of the popular teen on the internet that also expressed his sympathy to Indonesia. "Just found out about the earthquake in Indonesia. Everyone please pray for the people there. # Prayforindonesia," wrote Bieber

Sympathy and prayers also came from a mate Nicole Richie, Joel Madden. He hopes the people of Indonesia will be strong to face this problem. "Indonesia I love you be strong," was the sound of the tweet Joel Madden.

In addition, Joe Jonas, Jonas Brothers personnel, also took part. He wrote, "# prayforindonesia so sad."

And, Prince Jackson, son of Michael Jackson, come to write, "My heart broke for that notice! So just let's pray for our brothers They need our Help and Love and They Need of GOD! So # prayforindonesia."

Photography(my hobby right now!)

Hey again!!
Now i want discuss bout Photography
why?because my new hobby is photography
i ' m join a photography group in my school

So, my photography teacher say,
3 basic to know when you learn a photography is:

2.Speed Shutter

and it must be under our control

Hmm.. im already learn about panning and blurring
now im still learning more about photography

maybe,sometimes i will post about photography again

see yaaa


Talitha Gultom ^ ^